What Our Customers Are Saying About PEMF

I am a psychotherapist in private practice since 1968. I am an expert in chronic illness, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. I am also schooled in numerous alternative modalities. Last fall I was introduced to the iMRS and have been successfully utilizing it for clients. The results have been remarkable. I feel like I am 46 years old (I am 73 + years) and my clients are healing more rapidly. The most exciting thing for me is the result for my 82 year old spouse. He has early vascular dementia and was beginning to become lethargic, and experienced low motivation and confused thinking. Since December 2016, he has been using both the pad and mat daily. Both of us are amazed at the results. While there are not significant changes in his memory, he has 70 percent more life force, less confusion and his sense of humor has returned. He is participating in life joyfully. At first he was very resistant (conservative business man); now he faithfully uses the system daily. He exercises regularly and participates in the home and garden.
I have my husband back! He is now more like he was at 70 years of age. Yesterday, he actually fixed a computer issue which he has not done for years; in fact he could have cared less. Before dementia, he was always persevering when a mechanical issue was not functioning until he could resolve it. If his memory stays where it is now, we both will be joyful because now present to life, the family and friends.
My colitis is gone, my vision has improved and my seizures have settled down considerably. I am 82 years old and am using no prescription medication.
I feel stronger in my neck and lower back than ever before, thanks to the iMRS. The deep, sharp pain in the right subscapularis region that has been a nemesis since my bike fall 20 years ago has completely disappeared. I believe that iMRS was reaching and regenerating in areas I was not able to physically reach. Now that I’ve experienced the iMRS for myself and my patients, I cannot see myself practicing without it.
I wanted to know more about PEMF and what it could do for me and my clients. I was immediately struck by how relaxed, authentic and nurturing Diane, her environment and her style was. I learned so much about PEMF in that first meeting, that was then capped off by my first session. I decided to rent a system for a month. Well, with the wonderful website, abundance of information and Diane as my guide, within a few sessions I found the perfect settings for myself and could feel the immediate benefit of using PEMF. I can clearly say that Diane, PEMF and the approach she takes makes a complete program anyone can benefit from, from the very first session. After each session I felt so relaxed and tuned in. After the 4 weeks was up, well I could feel the lasting benefits. Now as I move towards purchasing a system, I am excited to share with all I know that by meeting Diane and learning what she shares, everyone should experience her program for themselves. Thank you so much Diane for such a wonderful approach to natural healing, using PEMF.
PEMF has been the single biggest benefit to my practice in 10 years. I think about using PEMF for chronic pain, autoimmune disease, depression, anxiety, and insomnia. However, a quick search of PubMed is enough to demonstrate that there are many other worthy indications.

My Parkinson symptoms have improved dramatically since using the iMRS daily for the past three months. I no longer need naps, my tremors have slowed down and my energy level is great.
I fell down my stairs and spent a few days in the hospital due to a concussion. I experienced dizziness for months to follow with periodic visits to a neurologist. I started using the iMRS regularly and the dizziness completely disappeared and has not bothered me since. I also find the mat relaxes me at night and helps me to sleep. My daughter and granddaughter used the mat after catching the flu bug and it greatly helped in the recovery process.

I became persuaded by the benefit of the iMRS when my knee injury of one year resolved completely after 2.5 weeks of daily treatment.
Many acute conditions responded very persuasively and powerfully to this device. Back pain, inflammations, neuropathy in hands and feet, headaches, muscle spasm and a number of other acute conditions were very positively addressed. My experience was that the more I used the device, the duration of my problem was reduced exponentially.
I need to order a travel case so I am not without my mat! I am pain free after years of arthritis. I can make a fist, walk three miles a day and do my push ups again.
I can’t believe I am totally pain free only three days after running the Portland Marathon thanks to iMRS sessions the past two days following the marathon. Greatest recovery tool ever!
I am blown away by how much better I am sleeping since using the iMRS. I have never been a “good sleeper,” even as a child. When I hit my mid-40’s things started to worsen significantly. I saw gradual improvements in sleep within a few days of using the iMRS.

I love this mat! I’ve done a lot of things to help my upper back and this took it the rest of the way to feeling normal and pain-free in just three weeks.
I want to tell you about a therapy that has helped me tremendously and in many ways. It’s PEMF for short. PEMF has helped me with:
1. Pain – when I get back from a work out or tennis or gardening and I feel achy, I get on my PEMF mat (which is full-length) and get up feeling much better.
2. Arthritis – I use the PEMF pad (much smaller) for the arthritis for one of my little fingers which used to curve out. It is now straight. The knobs on my fingers are also noticeably smaller in size.
3. Energy – It increases my energy. I use the mat every morning.
Some other examples:
I cut the top of one finger and I was expecting to use a band aid for days to pull the wound together and stop the bleeding. But I went immediately and put my PEMF probe (a cyclinder about 6 ins. long and about the diameter of a nickel) up against the cut pressing the flap closed. I held it on for about 8 mins. and when I took it off the bleeding had stopped and the cut was sealed up. It stayed sealed up; I never had to get out a band aid.
Just last Sunday the rear door of my Prius station wagon got in a fight with my garage door and lost (my stupidity). I managed to tear the struts off the rear door so now the door was resting unclosed on the loose struts. I tried to lift the door to replace the struts. It was incredibly heavy and as I tried to adjust a strut, the door came crashing down on my right forearm. I thought I had crushed the bones and would pull out a stump with my hand and wrist dangling off. Somehow the bones held (my bone density is VG). Again I got my probe and held it on all sides of my forearm for about 20 mins. I cancelled tennis for the next day because I was sure I would not be able to play. However, I woke up the next day and, although it was sore, there was hardly any swelling and the area I expected to be dark black-and-blue was actually a pale shade of blue-gray. One day later, it’s normal color.
I recently purchased a PEMF healing system from Healthy Spaces for use in my home. I have chronic pain with herniated discs and have had surgery for a full blown ruptured disc. As a result , I have permanent nerve damage in my left leg and foot causing night cramping and muscle spasms. I’ve tried so many treatments of every modality, eastern and western medicine. I would get partial or temporary relief, only for the pain to return from the slightest of moves or situations. With PEMF technology, I can use it in my own home, on my own time, and in my robe, lol. I didn’t know how to use this new system and had to learn. Thank God for Diane Bays, her expertise, mixed with patience and kindness, were just what I needed. I now have what I need, when I have flair ups or new bumps and accidents. Thank you Healthy Spaces.

When I started researching PEMF it was to help my wife with chronic pain from Arthritis and other ongoing health issues. As I do with any new technology I approached PEMF with caution. Our first exposure to PEMF was with an MRS 2000 loaned to us by Dr Elliott.
For many years Colleen has had so much joint pain that it would often take her hours to get to sleep. Her traditional doctors were not able to help because she had problems with most of the meds normally used for her issues. Colleen’s first use was just before bed for 8 minutes at 10 intensity. We were not expecting much the first time and wanted to start slowly. To our surprise a few minutes after that first use Colleen was able to go to sleep without pain and that has been consistent since. In addition, she has more energy and less fatigue.
My issues were different, I felt fatigue most of the time, brain fog, and low energy. Probably the most frustrating issue was feeling so fatigued in the evening that I would fall asleep, then when I would go to bed I had trouble getting back to sleep. When I shared those concerns with my doctor his response was that I am getting old (I will be 70 in September) and I just need to accept it. Unfortunately, I did accept it for a number of years. Now, I use the three times a day.
Most of my fatigue is gone, the brain fog is gone, and energy levels are dramatically improved.
We are excited to see what the future will bring.
I view the PEMF device as an essential addition to my health “war chest”, I look to the Omnium to fill the electro-magnetic needs of the cells of my body; it is my own little mother earth.
Over a year ago, I had neck surgery (just one of many) to fix my C5-C7 vertebrae. Early on following the surgery I quickly discovered the aches and pains of having had one completely dissolved disc and the insertion of one metal plate and six screws. I had lost range of motion in my neck. I found it comfortable enough to sit up straight, but lying down was unbearable as my neck muscles cramped.
Not surprisingly, I found myself pushing my pain management doctor for help. The result was medication for both night and day, including a prescribed sleeping aide, muscle relaxant, migraine pills and a total of 60 mg of Oxy-codeine daily. Welcome to my new life.
In June of 2015 I made a trip to my visit my sister in Portland, Oregon. Being a client of Diane’s, and knowing of my condition, she had made an appointment for me at Healthy Spaces in the hope that she could do something for me. I really struggle with traveling, and usually have to up the dosages of my medications. Diane had me try out the Magnetic Resonance Stimulation (MRS) mat. I felt an instant calmness in my neck; and truly out of desperation -before even researching it any further- I told Diane to order me one immediately.
The first week, I would lay on the mat many times throughout the day whenever my neck began to feel “heavy” and disjointed. It’s kind of weird, because when you lay on the mat it appears that nothing’s happening. It’s just nice to stretch out and rest. Within my second week, I was down to 30 mg of Oxy and just half of my usual day meds without any increase in pain. I was really surprised and shocked because I had no other explanation besides my usage of the mat and my Botox treatments.
My routine was to try to get on the mat as soon as I rose in the morning, and have a second session before three in the afternoon. After several months, I was able to cut my night meds in half as well.
After awhile, I got pretty comfortable and started skipping my treatments. Even thoughts such as, “Who knows if it is really the mat?” helped me justify the lapse in routine. I went about four days without any sessions, and I was shocked. Without the sessions, my body felt disjointed and weakened, with my head and neck feeling heavy. If I had any doubts before about the mat working, I don’t anymore. The mat treatments have become a very stabilizing part of my day to help keep my body centered.
It has been 5 months now, and I am now completely off of the Oxy pain pills. I can usually do Advil three times a day instead, with only half a dose of muscle relaxant. I have stayed true to my routine, and am very pleased with the results.
I feel like I have been let out of prison after 15 years of pain from Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue. The PEMF sessions have also given me tons of energy and I sleep so much better.
I’ve had chronic insomnia for over forty years. I tried every medication, exercise and concoction known to man. A friend told me about the Dr. Oz show and we tried the Magnetic Resonance System at Healthy Spaces. It was so effective that we purchased one for our home and for the first time in forty years I’m sleeping eight hours a night with no side effects or grogginess. It’s changed my life! I’m living proof that with this therapy life can be what it was intended to be. Try it – you have nothing to lose but sleepless nights!
I love my iMRS! I went kayaking for several hours last night. When I woke up this morning my right wrist was swollen, sore, and stiff. 8 minutes on the mat and 8 minutes with the probe and my wrist was back to normal and I was off to work! What a magnificent technology!
Top 5 things I love about my iMRS unit: I never go to bed in pain, it works better than a cup of coffee to energize me for the day, there are no side effects, when my daughter can’t sleep 8 minutes in the “magic carpet” puts her right out, seeing the joy on my friends faces when they try it for the first time.
What a relief it is! I have had hip muscle pain, due to hip replacement, that just would not go away with exercise/ therapy but would make exercise painful to do. I was told I may have to live with it. Having used PMF the muscle finally relaxed. I am able to lift my leg in exercises, walk up hill and go up and down the stairs without it acting up. It has been about two months and staying well. Its been a blessing. Thank you Diane & Mike for encouraging me to stick with it. If you are in pain, give PMF a try, better than taking pills.

Every year myself and thousands of other obstacle course racers put our bodies and minds through some very rigorous training and races. Equal to the importance of training, is recovery, and this year I made it a bigger part of my overall program. I have added both sauna and PEMF to my recovery protocol and the results were incredibly beneficial. I ended up 7th in the US and 31st in the World (Spartan Race 50+ Age Group). In 2019 I hope to break the top 5 in the US and top 15 in the World and I know that Diane and Healthy Spaces will once again be a key to my success.
In the past 30 days using the PEMF mat, infared spa and ionized, hydrogenated water at Healthy Spaces, I have experienced relief from joint and bone pain (from cancer and arthritis), lost a few pounds gained from cancer medications, and restored my confidence that I can take back some control over my complicated health and wellness. God bless and thank you Diane Bays and Healthy Spaces Northwest for your knowledge, professional kindness and making these therapies available to us here in the NW!
In less than a month of PEMF use I was able to have improved level of thyroid function, valided by my blood tests take 2 weeks before PEMF and again after 4 weeks of use. I went from TSH above 5.3 (hypothyroid) down to a TSH level of 3(normal) in those 4 weeks. I wasn’t able to tolerate medication so I just did the PEMF and noticed I had a lot of detox reactions at first as my metabolic processes seemed to be stimulated. I used the sensitive setting for 8 min twice daily and eventually increased the intensity as the detox symptoms lessened. Now my energy level is 60 % better and I feel like I am just getting more back to my true self. Thanks DIANE and IMRS for getting this amazing device into my hands!
About a month ago I stepped in a pothole and sprained my left foot. I immediately started hot/cold therapy to reduce swelling and prevent bruising. It was very painful. I had access to the iMRS probe which I used along the left side of my foot for 30 minutes at a setting of 200. I used it 2-3 times per day for 3 days. After the first 30 minute session much of the pain was gone. After 3 days the dark pink bruising had disappeared completely as well as much of the pain. For about 3 weeks I couldn’t wear shoes but I walked every day. In 4 weeks time I was able to wear shoes again. My chiropractor says it can take up to 9 months to heal a sprain. With using the iMRS I was able to cut that healing time to 4 weeks, a miraculous recovery.
I recently fractured my patella,(knee cap), when I fell on some slippery tile. The orthopedic doctor put me in an immobilizer splint and instructed me not to bend my knee for the next four weeks with no weight bearing. I live in FL, and found this contraption to be extremely hot, nevertheless I tried to be as compliant as I could. I already owned an iMRS and was reminded to use the probe as much as possible. I started doing one hour sessions @ 200 intensity at least 3x day. At my four week check up with repeat X-ray, the Dr. couldn’t believe her eyes. She explained to me that my healing was like that of a child, and had never seen anything like it in someone of my age, almost 62 years young. I told her about PEMF and that I had not really been that compliant with her recommended treatment. She then told me to keep on doing what I was doing, because it was so obviously working. I can’t wait to get back to work and to see what my X-rays look like in four more weeks. I am so grateful to know about iMRS/ PEMF TECHNOLOGY and I feel so blessed to own one.
There are a few items I’ve had the pleasure of using and I’d like share my thoughts. The ionized alkaline water system and the IMRS full body mat. After using both for about 4 weeks I’ve noticed significant positive effects to my physical health, energy level, and overall mood. I suffer from sleep apnea and have to use a CPAT. Prior to using the IMRS mat, I had a difficult time falling asleep and staying asleep, even while using my CPAP. After a few times of using the mat, I felt like I was achieving a deeper level of sleep and it was easier for me to relax at night. Understanding what settings work best for you takes a few days but I’d recommend starting low and working your way up. In addition to the mat, I’ve been drinking water from my ionized alkaline water system. This has help tremendously with maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Feeling more hydrated and less tightness in my stomach. Also helps with going to the restroom more regularly. Installation is quick and maintaining takes little to no effort. I’ve had the water dispenser for over 4 months and I haven’t had to change out the filter yet. I’d highly recommend a consultation with Diane. She’s so friendly and so knowledgeable. She can recommend what equipment she thinks is best for you and will help you make the right decisions to get you feeling healthier in no time.
I just wanted to share how thankful I am for discovering the iMRS PEMF system.I have been a board-certified registered nurse in the hospital setting for the past 28 years. Heath means everything to me both personally and professionally. I have had different personal health challenges over the years – I’ve gone through Lyme Disease treatment and have been treated for mold exposure while living in the Pacific Northwest. I also have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Ehlers Danlos, an undiagnosed genetic connective tissue disorder – having had two rotator cuff surgeries without prior injury- I am always searching for ways to maintain balance while keeping an active lifestyle. My family and I are always hiking. I’ve also been a runner in the past and one year my goal was to compete in an organized run every month. I achieved my goal, It was incredible fun. I know I could not have done it without my mat and pillow pad.The common thread throughout these health challenges and fitness goals while working full time was in part using the iMRS mat and pillow pad regularly. The first thing I noticed was that I slept better – sleeping is so huge for the body to repair and every aspect of healing is enhanced when we get the sleep we need. When traveling I’ve taken the pillow pad with me in a carry-on and it made all the difference for my vacation. Sitting on the plane for hours can be difficult on my back – so happy I had it when I did. I’ve really enjoyed learning all I can in how to help my body detox better and I am very thankful to have the whole system because it helps me with my everyday pain. I have learned while going through these different health treatments that my body needs a little extra help in detoxing from different things in the environment. Out of all my detox modalities, by far my most precious one is my PEMF mat and pillow pad.
My 13-year-old son was diagnosed with autoimmune encephalitis. For anyone unfamiliar with the disease, it causes swelling of the brain, neurological seizures and even hallucinations. In my son’s case, that manifested itself as obsessive-compulsive thoughts that nothing was real, that he was alone in a void imagining everything happening to him and that God was punishing him for being a terrible person.
So, in other words, a waking nightmare and there were times every day when he’d be screaming, crying hysterically, kicking and punching at the air, yelling for it to stop. We, of course, tried everything. And I’ll spare you the list.
Nothing seemed to help much, including the PEMF at first. But he was doing it sporadically at best, skipping weeks or even months at a time. Which we made the mistake of letting go – mostly because his whole life was doctor’s appointments and pills and treatments and it sort of fell off our radar until three months ago or so. He was getting a bit better but he’d plateaued and we felt like we were at a bit of a dead end again, having exhausted every resource we could think of. So, we decided to give the PEMF another go. This time we were vigilant about it and, regardless of the pushback, we made him get on the mat at least twice a day for 15 minutes at a time.
It wasn’t overnight – in fact, it took over a month before we noticed the first signs of improvement – but the treatment transformed him. His symptoms all reduced in frequency and intensity before, finally, almost disappearing. And at the end of August, for the first time in a year-and-a-half, he went back to school. Something I wouldn’t have dreamed was possible as recently as two months ago.
I’m not ready to exhale yet. And he still has mild symptoms. But I honestly feel like the PEMF may have saved his life. Or at the very least, helped give him his life back.
I was diagnosed with stage 3 chronic kidney disease and was told that, other than diet, there’s nothing much to be done about CKD and that CKD only went in one direction. Namely, things always got worse.
I started doing the mat religiously. Twice a day for 15 minutes on the mat itself and twice a day for 15 minutes with the pad on my kidneys and, very long story short, 6 months later my CKD numbers have improved by several points.
Which again, from what the doctors told me, isn’t supposed to be possible. I’m so grateful for this PEMF mat!
My 16-year-old daughter had PTSD which was making it difficult, bordering on impossible, for her to walk in the door at school every day. Every day was a negotiation on whether she had to go or not. Because her PTSD was from bullying at her previous school – it reached a point where she told me “I don’t think I can do this anymore.”
She was not a fan of using the mat but I told her if she got on for 15 minutes before school every morning, she could get out of making her own breakfast. She took me up on it, at first, begrudgingly. But she started to feel the calming effects within the first week or so. Soon she was doing the mat twice a day, religiously, without prompting. Two months in, I wouldn’t say her school anxiety disappeared.
But almost. By the end of last year, there were even days when she even occasionally admitted she was looking forward to it.
She kept up her routine straight through summer and this school year’s been better for her than I ever could have dreamed. Her anxiety is pretty much gone. She’s made a ton of friends. She’s joined four different clubs. She’s doing great academically. And, almost unbelievably, she actually looks forward to going to school.